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Isabelle Poirier

Senior V.P., Innovation & Communication

Isabelle Poirier

Isabelle Poirier leads innovation programs for Kilmer Brownfield’s portfolio of real estate developments. Ms. Poirier is responsible for energy, sustainability, proptech & mobility strategies on community scale projects and communications strategies for stakeholders on behalf of Kilmer. She holds more than 15 years of experience in management positions and directorships. In other advisory roles, Isabelle has fostered the growth of businesses and organisations. She has provided strategic guidance in foreign direct investment and marketing for governments and large corporations across Canada. From community services to trade association engagement strategies, Isabelle develops partnerships to enable stakeholder collaboration and private funding.

Ms. Poirier holds a Masters Degree in Communication from l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Since 2008, she’s been guest speaker and lecturer for large organisations and renowned universities in North America and Europe on market intelligence, community marketing and social media marketing for economic development.